Noetic Musings Blog

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Musings on The Dark Masculine

Sometimes, I wish Men could understand just how much they succeed in harming the embodied feminine. Will it take, the waving of a white flag before they finally show us mercy?

You are right; she has daddy issues, she does not have any self-esteem, she lacks accountability on all the shortcomings you are so vocal about and seeks in every man she meets to validate her existence. That does not give you the right to abuse her, to dangle your love on a string while she chases you toward a finish line you keep moving. It’s cruel to witness her fall all over herself for your enjoyment. For your vindication.

You laugh and cherish the moments as you pull the rug from under her. It is pleasurable to watch her plead with you. Validation that the mind you set out to conquer and defile is imploding by mere words. You punish her for believing in the illusions of safety you created. You have proven your domination over such a weak opponent. You sure showed her! Any love she does have for herself, you castrate. She can never have thoughts of her own self-worth. You see no value in her, and she cannot see what you do not give permission for. Women who cross your path are simply trinkets of your collection, she could never be more than an object subject to your disposal.