The Wisdom of Summer

The season of fire, community, and baptism.

My childhood memories of summer were spent in Waycross, Georgia. I was always a lover of travel. As a child I knew that was how I wanted to spend my summers. I wouldn’t realize until recently that the travel bug and wanderlust appetite was given to me by my maternal grandmother. We spent plenty of summers on Greyhound buses traveling from Saint Petersburg, FL to Waycross, GA. My childhood summers were filled with community that I didn’t always have the time for during the Spring, Fall, and Winter months.

Summer is an open invite to the cookout. Rising temperatures draw us to water for relief. Food cooked over an open flame and fruit dusted in our preferences of salt, sugar, or Tajin. Days spent keeping the screendoors closed and drinking from outdoor water hoses and time well spent dreaming of the summers to come. The wisdom of summer embodies freedom in community.

Something about summer that reminds us to cherish time. To cherish our moment under the Sun; because it may not always last. What is summer without being immersed in cooling waters? Summer rainstorms pass through are lives as we await for the Sun to return. Havana nights don’t last as long in summer so we fill them with memories. Summer is about time well spent with community regardless of the conditions of the season we are in. It’s about finding the right balance when surrounded by the heat of life.


All content on this blog is written by Kubby for Saints & Sages. "Except as permitted by the copyright law applicable to you, you may not reproduce or communicate any of the content on this website, including files downloadable from this website, without the permission of the copyright owner".


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