Solar Eclipse in Aries

The experience of a total solar eclipse has forever changed me. There has definitely been a shift in my perspective.

The morning began with a thick overcast with the Moon and Sun completely hidden by a blanket of clouds. There were opportunities to watch the Eclipse from rooftops and hillsides. I found a small patch a grass at a local park so that I could be planted in the Mother Earth. Around 12:00 PM CT the Moon began her path across the Sun. I did have a pair of eclipse sunglasses but I decided to use my regular UV shades and directly look at the eclipse for myself. There were moments of pulsating flashes and flares where pure white light and the primary color spectrum fragmented through the sky and I understood the concern that those particular flashes can blind the naked eye. I continued to intuitively follow my desire to observe and protect my eyes with the UV sunglasses when moments called for it.

Once the eclipse had reached Totality. My life was forever changed. Humans bow in reverence to acknowledge the divinity within another being. Humans have bow before the presence of God, objects, sacred places, and each other. I had never felt there was anything worthy of bowing before until I saw the Moon exalted before the Earth as she was illuminated from behind. So I bowed in complete humility to the grace and mercy that is embodied by our Moon. There were geometric streams of rainbow auras radiating from the circumference of the Moon. I felt as though she was dancing in her divinity as I watched in awe.

I was in and out of conscious awareness of my surroundings. There was a time where I noticed that I was sharing the patch of Earth next to a Dandelion. During this time my sense of fear had been suspended. I saw the Dandelion and had realized that the Dandelion had germinated in the womb of the dark soil; just as I was once a child in a dark womb. In that moment I had known that me and the Dandelion were born from the same origins. We both came into being from an unfathomable darkness. There was a cool silent darkness that fell over the Earth. Within the silence and darkness of the 4 minute experience. I experienced the deepest level of peace and surrender. My eyes filled with tears as my spiritual sight was illuminated.

For the past few months I have contemplated heavily on the true meaning of humility, grace, and mercy. As I watched the Moon and revered the power that the Moon embodies. I saw the reflection of my soul. I was free and always have been. The Moon is one of the many manifestations of the feminine principle; the reflector of the Human soul. Within that reflection I sat in a moment of solace. My entire being felt the clarity of peace.

I am still processing my experience and certain thoughts bring tears of joy. I am writing my thoughts as they come. My physical sight is still at an optimal level while my body is still in need of rest. I feel as though I underwent an ethereal baptism. My heart, throat, third eye, and crown chakras have been realigned. This eclipse was the consecration and exaltation of a celestial being. In truly seeing and knowing the Moon and her divine place in existence; you're blessed with just touching the edges of yours.

As the Moon reflects our soul. An experience with the eclipse reveals a mirror of your internal life. The seat of observation. The divine witness. You could not have come into existence without existing in a state of perfection. The Moon will also illuminate the questions that your mind has been filled with. You will be forever changed once you peer past the veils of the conscious mind into the Truth of your perfected state of existence.


All content on this blog is written by Kubby for Saints & Sages. "Except as permitted by the copyright law applicable to you, you may not reproduce or communicate any of the content on this website, including files downloadable from this website, without the permission of the copyright owner".


The Wisdom of Spring


Spiritual Abandonment