The Wisdom of Spring

The wisdom of Spring is a time of renewal and resurrection. In Winter, we turn toward the internal flame of resilience. In Spring, we turn outward toward the flame of regeneration. Spring is prolific, gratitude made manifest, and always Dharmic. A season that gradually labors out of the Winter landscape.

Spring reveals that all things mature and grow in every season through any circumstance. Spring is the embodiment of knowing and discernment. Spring is eternally bound to divine timing. When the birds return home, do you notice their arrival? Did you notice the closed bud before he blossomed? And when were the trees crowned in new branches?

Mother Nature and Father Time dance around our consciousness like the dreams and thoughts of the subconscious. A perfectly orchestrated symphony of cardinal hymns, sorbet sunsets, golden hours, emerald hillsides, periwinkle skies, lavender fields, ivory clouds, and auric beauty. Spring began long before we recognized her arrival. Be patient in recognizing the signs of new life.


All content on this blog is written by Kubby for Saints & Sages. "Except as permitted by the copyright law applicable to you, you may not reproduce or communicate any of the content on this website, including files downloadable from this website, without the permission of the copyright owner".


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